Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unaccustomed As I Am . . .

. . . to public blogging, a big thanks to the generous and talented Ysabeau Wilce for trusting me not to screw up her soapbox too badly while she's away conferring, conversing, and otherwise hobnobbing with her fellow wizards in Alta Califa. As the temperature plummets by the minute here in fickle NYC, with snow on the horizon for tonight, and neither cocktails nor golf in my immediate future, it's comforting somehow to think of Ysa and Pig sipping Sidecars at Bix while whispering doubletalk in Barbarick.

I'll try to have more of interest to post tomorrow, but I do believe in closing on an uplifting note. Every so often a story comes along that makes one proud to be an American, the kind of story that renews one's faith in good old American ingenuity and inventiveness. As long as this country is capable of producing men like John W. Cornwell, I have no fears for its future. Sieur Cornwell, I salute you -- huzzah!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Mr. Witcover. I ordered one of your books the other day pursuant to Madama Wilce's glowing recommendation. Hasn't arrived yet, but I'm sure I'll make short work of it when it does.

Paul Witcover said...

Thank you, Ms. Hamerquist! Do you recall a title to go with that order? Of course, all three of my books are delectable delights, so it really doesn't matter which you read . . . I only hope that whichever it is, it leads you on to the others. After all, one must have something to read while waiting for Flora Redux to appear!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I ordered Tumbling After. I may also have ordered (in addition)the earlier one (Beauty?). I know for sure it wouldn't have been the vampire story since I've got a deep psychological block against anything to do with veins. Sadly, I find ordering books online so addictive I don't keep good track of what I toss in my shopping cart. You may have seen the Shouts and Murmurs in The New Yorker a while back that was poking fun at (I believe) the New York Daily News for their how-to-budget hints. One of those hints was to go to the library instead of buying novels. It was bittersweet humor for me, because I actually AM one of those people whose book-buying habits could drive me to bankruptcy.