Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Final Edit!

At long last I have begun the final edit of FLORA REDUX, aiming to have it finished by the middle of August, if not earlier...

Consequently, my blogging may be a bit light for the foreseeable future, or perhaps not as informative and entertaining as usual. Just so you know...

I'm very excited about FLORA REDUX--I had a much easier time writing it than I did FLORA SEGUNDA, and I think its a much more thrilling and exciting yarn. New perils, old troubles, and, of course, waffles...



John Klima said...

Yay! Me want read now!

Although waffles sound quite nice, too....

Ysabeau Wilce said...

Waffles are good! In fact, I never met a bad waffle...bad pancake yes. Bad waffle, no.

chattingjason said...

I can't wait to read the redux! I loved "Flora Segunda"!

Stephanie Burgis said...

Good luck with the final edit! I can't wait to read Flora Redux...and mmmm, waffles! :)

Dave said...


Anonymous said...

Hola, Madama. I too await the Redux with bated breath but I'll take a pass on the waffles. Thank God there's at least one fattening thing in existence for which I've developed no addiction!

I read E. Hand's Mortal Love over the weekend and have further proof of why Diana Gill thought my story was so ho hum.

Also, having run out of books I went to the local library on Saturday and at checkout urged them to order Flora Segunda. No need! They already had, and although it wasn't on the shelves yet it was "in process."

Ysabeau Wilce said...

Thanks for all the enthusiasm...I shall refer to it when I get to those dark days when the edit seems impossible and bleak and I wonder why I didn't take up big game hunting or coal mining instead...!

And Madama H--waffles are really not so fattening, if you only eat two. But then who can only eat two waffles? Therein lies the rub...

Unknown said...

I think it was a great book! And I loved the plot! I just can't wait for Flora Redux. Can I have a hint on what that is about?