Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh yeah, those Kansas Guys...

Jayhawkers, Border Ruffians, & Bushwhackers.

Colorful names, but horrible men.

Not much difference between them and the janjaweed, really.


Anonymous said...

Did you read Jane Smiley's book about those guys?

Ysabeau Wilce said...

I didn't--which book was that? I've read A THOUSAND ACRES, which was pretty good, and THE GREENLANDERS which I particularly liked, but I don't remember a novel about Bleeding Kansas...

Anonymous said...

I just looked it up. I think it's the "All True Travels of Lidie Newton." It was a good one. My all-time fave, though, is "Moo."

Ysabeau Wilce said...

Ah yes, I remember that one now. I never read it tho'. I'll add it to the list!