Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thank you, Sieur Witcover!

Alas, I am home from the Left Coast, trading yellow and blue for grey grey grey. I'd like to thank Sieur Witcover for managing things in my absence, and keeping the flag flying.

It was very fun to be able to check my blog while I was gone and see blog posts magickally appearing!

If only Pig could type...

Until he learns, I guess it's up to me, with the occasional pinch-hitter. I hope everyone enjoyed my special guest star as much as I did.

Now sweeps week is over, and back to regularly scheduled programing...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Madama. We on the Left Coast (northernmost region) hope you will arrange a tour in our environs some day. Seattle is a little out of reach for me, but if you do come as far as the Emerald City, please consider also stepping across the pond to Port Townsend. I would love to have my book(s) signed, and I'd try to bring along a few writing friends so you'd have a "base." Strangely, although PT is renowned for its arts & letters community, I've heard scuttlebutt that the indie book stores in Port Angeles (my home town, farther west) offer genre writers a warmer reception than the venues in PT. Maybe PT is more into poetry and literary work; I dunno. Anyway, do think about it if you do the world tour thing.

Ysabeau Wilce said...

I do hope to make it back out to the Pacific Northwest sometime. I attended Clarion West in Seattle some years past and loved the area--alas that I have not been able to get back there since. But it's on my wish-list of travel destinations and one day I shall make it! And you shall be the first to know!