Saturday, March 10, 2007


I am marvelously happy to report that Flora Segunda has a full page review in this Sunday's New York Times.

Needless to say, I am thrilled, excited, and super surprised. Never in my wildest imaginings (and those who know me well know well my wild imaginings!) did I hope for such an honour. And it's a good review, too! Icing in my cupcake...

Many huzzas and much celebration here.



Gwenda said...


Unknown said...

Dearest Ysa! I am bursting with pride! DM posted about the review on CW02 and I was delighted to see it and very, very happy for you. I didn't know you had a blog, and now that I know, I'll make an effort to follow what's happening. I look forward to seeing you again at WFC, but let's talk soon. Tell me a good time to call and I will.


Leslie (and Luke who still loves you)

Anonymous said...

I segunda that Yay!

Splinister said...

Marvellous review Ysabeau!