Saturday, September 29, 2007

Flora Redux!

So, I'm back and happy to announce that FLORA REDUX is done, finito, punto finale, over with, gone baby gone. The only thing left to do now are line-edits, and then off she goes to the copy editor, and then to the typesetter and then beyond my ken, and out of my hands.


It took, quite obviously, longer than I anticipated to get finish. This being my second go-around on the final draft front, I have discovered that, like housing renovations and childbirth, it always takes longer than you expected.

But I'm pretty happy with the end result (will I ever be THRILLED with the end result?--doubtful) and eager to see what everyone thinks. However, I shall have to wait until August of next year to get feed-back because that's what the publishing date has been pushed to. Originally, as ya'll know, REDUX was scheduled for the Spring, but various considerations made the Powers-That-Be decide that summer would be a better slot for it. Sorry, but there it is, and hopefully worth the wait.

Otherwise, I don't want to be spoilery, except to say that just about everyone from SEGUNDA is back, some more than others, there are a few new additions to the mix, a lot more action, some of it death-defying, and, of course, waffles.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll be back to posting semi-regularly. For those who stuck with me during that long blog-silence, thanks! I'll try to be twice as entertaining to make up for being so long completely un-entertaining!


tanita✿davis said...


I just dropped by to say that Flora Segunda has two nominations already for the Cybils!
Again, congratulations. Cannot WAIT to read the new one! Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness! The internet will be worth trekking to again!

I can't wait for Redux, either, though I suppose I have no choice. Any chance you'll be tossing out another shorty in the meantime?

Paul Witcover said...

Welcome back!

Savy Max said...

YAY!!! I'm new to the series and so glad that another one is coming out!!! I really can't wait Redux.

With much excitment,