Thursday, August 2, 2007


Between the dog days of August and rewrites, etc., The Califa Police Gazette is going to go on holiday, I think, for the next few weeks. I may post sporadically, or maybe not all. Subscribe to the feed if you don't want to miss anything; otherwise, I promise I shall be back fresh-faced and sunny at the end of the month, with a finished book on hand, and a song in my heart.

Do something fun yerself, why don't ya?

Tootle-loo for now...


Katie said...

Enjoy your break!

Anonymous said...

Jeez, just when I finally get the chance to comment again you scurry off! At least you're up to good. I'll look forward to your return. By then I may even have internet connection at home and can devote more time to blog-hopping.