Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tired of Me Yet?

Naw, I didn't think so...

So here's more of me, over at Little Willow's Slayground, expounding on various topics of great interest to myself and others!


Little Willow said...

Let's hear it for Califa/California girls!

Anonymous said...

Great questions, great interview, as usual. And no, I'm not tired of you yet. I think you're up there with chocolate on my list of unoutgrowable habits.

And I love Lolita too, though I finally read it only recently (about five years ago). I had no idea it would be such a FUNNY book! I'd expected all the other aspects, but not the humor.

Ysabeau Wilce said...

LW: Don't you wish they could all be Califa girls?

EH: Yes, "Lolita" is amusing. That Humbert Humbert is a real jokester!

Little Willow said...
