Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jennifer Stevenson's New Blog!

After much bugging, by me and others, Jennifer Stevenson, the super talented author of TRASH SEX MAGIC has decided to rise above her Luddite ways and start a blog.

You may now find her at her livejournal site: The Smoking Pigeon. Stop by and throw her some encouragement. She's not so sure about this whole blogging thang, but I know she'll get the hang of it.

The Brass Bed, the first book in Jennifer's new paranormal romance series, The SeX Files, will be published by Del Rey Spring of 2008. I've been privileged enough to have a peek at The Brass Bed, and its follow-ups, The Venus Machine, and The Haunted Porn Factory, and I can say with authority that this series rocks--it's funny, sexy, magickal, and sexy. You'll have to wait until next spring to find for yourselves, but in the meantime, Jennifer's blog should provide an amuse bouche!

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