Monday, May 21, 2007

Dangerous Books for Boys

So Boys can have dangerous books.

Books that teach them to climb rocks, fly kites, and build tree houses.

But not Girls.

Girls can have princess diaries and books that teach them to back bite and gossip.

Nini Mo and I both say, what a crock.

Nini Mo and I think maybe we'll write our own book: The Dangerous Book for Girls. In it we shall tell teach Girls how to kick bullies in the head, form their own rock bands, and build tree houses.

Among other dangerous things.


C.C. Finlay said...

Hell yeah!

Please do. And then share your riches with us all.

Anonymous said...

Cool, yeah, please do. By the way, speaking of girls learning how to be rock stars, my cousin Shane King has made a documentary on the subject which is currently making the rounds of film festivals (Toronto recently, next Seattle). He has a distributor but as far as I know it hasn't yet been released to the wide world. Keep an eye out for it!

Anonymous said...

Me again. I thought it would be helpfulish if I told you the name of the movie, and then realized I didn't actually KNOW the name, so I had to go out and google for my cuz, which didn't work, so I went to my OTHER cousin's blog and found the info: It's called "Girls Rock! The Movie" or something like that, and it has its own website in hot pink.

Also, I received and read Monster Blood Tattoo over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. Left me very wistful that volume 2 isn't already out! Thanks for the recommendation.

Little Willow said...

Oh, I could make a list for you! Would you like one? If so, drop me an email :)

Ysabeau Wilce said...

Little Willow: I'd love to see your list...And everyone else--hmmm...I'm starting to feel very encouraged...very very encouraged.

Ysabeau Wilce said...

"Girls Rocks" sounds great! I'll keep my eye peeled for it and I'll look for the website...I'm all for Rocking Girls...