Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lineaments of Gratified Desire!

Several people have asked me where they can get a copy of "Lineaments of Gratified Desire", which appeared in F&SF last year.

I'm pleased to announce that it's been reprinted in both The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror Anthology and in Fantasy: The Year's Best. Neither book is currently available, but you can pre-order both.

So go, do that!

NB: It might actually be "Lineaments of Desire Gratified"--I can never remember which is right and I'm currently too decaffeinated to look it up.


Paul Witcover said...

Whichever it is, now, following the example of Gene Wolfe, you must write a story with the other as its title.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I'll order today (The Year's Best --- too impressionable for the horror anthology.)

Ysabeau Wilce said...

You can always skip the Horror--and usually it's not too Horrible. Ellen Datlow had very good taste in Scary Stuff!