Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Califa Shout-out!

Sandhya over at WORD: The Official Blog of Read and Writing Magazine just posted a hot diggity dog good review of Flora Segunda. Of the kind things she said, the most pleasing was that Califa seemed so real. It's a real place to me, so I am glad I was able to convey that verisimilitude to others.

WORD is running a contest, too--if you are a kid and send her your guess on what city the City of Califa is modeled on, you can win a free signed copy of Flora Segunda. Note that I said you need to be a kid--in years, not in mentality--so keep that mind if you should decide to play.

WORD is a super cool site, particularly if you are still in your salad days (i.e., still green in years and heart) and I urge all budding young writers to check it out. They have lots of great writing tips, cool contests, and great interviews. Check out this Q & A with China Mieville, whose new book, Un Lun Dun, is getting fabulous reviews. I haven't cracked it yet, but the review was a reminder to me that it's on my to read shelf, and I should get to it.

Thanks, Sandhya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great review and neat site.

I'm not sure if you ever saw a comment I left on a long-ago post, but I have another query for the list: How do you read your Gramatica words when you're doing readings out loud?

I just got the Mieville book in the mail yesterday and intend to read it this weekend. Looks good. Last night I read Justine L's Magic and Madness.

(I've always guessed San Francisco, by the way.)