Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy News!

So, I have just received word from Ellen Datlow that her co-editors on "The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror", Kelly Link and Gavin Grant, are talking my novella (or is it novelette, I can never keep them straight) "The Lineaments of Gratified Desire" for this year's "Year's Best." (As you may or may not know, all three edit this anthology, but Ellen picks out the horror and Kelly and Gavin pick out the fantasy.)

Whoo for me!

"Lineaments" was first published by Gordon Van Gelder in "Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine" back in July. It takes place in the Republic of Califa, a few years prior to "Flora Segunda" and stars young Hardhands, Tiny Doom &, of course, Pig.

It's quite an honor to crack "The Year's Best" and on only my third published story.

Whoo for me!

It's fabulous, of course, to have a story appear in magazines, but magazines have such a short shelf life. One month and they are gone for good. So, it's even more fabulous when the story is good enough to have a second life in an anthology. Anthologies end up on library shelves where they sit for years and years, and are (hopefully) checked out over and over again.

Whoo-hoo for me!
And for Hardhands, Tiny Doom and Pig, too!


Anonymous said...

Please let us know as soon as the anthology is available. I haven't seen "Lineaments" yet, since my FSF sub has long since expired, and I'm eager for the chance to read it. By the way, you may take comfort from the fact that "Metal More Attractive" in its FSF incarnation enjoys a permanent space on at least one bookshelf. It remains my all-time favorite short story of any genre.

Ysabeau Wilce said...

I will be sure to post as soon as the Anthologies are all out--I think it won't be until the fall, tho.

And, Madama, keep an eye out on your snail mail. I sent you something last week...if it doesn't arrive by next week, let me know--it's possible not enough postage was applied...(oops!)

Paul Witcover said...

Super cool -- congratulations!

Splinister said...

Congratulations Ysabeau! That is a wonderful achievement. :)

Ysabeau Wilce said...

Thank you, Madama Splinister...It was great meeting you last week--I hope our paths will cross again, soonish rather than laterish!